
Monday, July 26, 2010

Transplant Clinic Visit

We just finished up our Transplant Clinic visit and everything is still looking good! Her echo showed great heart function and Dr. Mahle and Kelsey (one of her transplant coordinators) thought she looked great. The only thing mentioned as something we need to address soon is her swollen gums. This is one of the big cosmetic side effects of her main anti-rejection medication. We have been keeping an eye on Grace's for a little bit and it has finally come time to do something about them before her teeth shift anymore.

Grace is now 3 1/2 years post transplant, time sure does fly! When I walk around the hospital, it is sometimes hard for me to believe that if you total all her "visits" we have spent about 9 months out of those 3 1/2 years "living" there. What a relief this year has been with NO hospitalizations due to illness. Grace is doing so well, not just medically, but developmentally as well. She has been loving her "summer fun" program and loves her teachers and friends. Her vocabulary is skyrocketing as is her defiance, but it is all part of the three year old package, I guess! She is super inquisitive and has really enjoys "make believe" play time. She also enjoys playing dress up (although she is more into pirates than princesses!) and doll house time.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers! Please also remember her donor family who gave us such a wonderful gift.


1 comment:

  1. I am SO thrilled that things went so well! She is such a beautiful, smart, happy little girl! Hope to see you girls again soon!
